
Visualizzazione dei post da luglio, 2020

Postgresql. If you look at the pg_settings catalog table, you'll see that there is a column named context

Postgresql. If you look at the pg_settings catalog table, you'll see that there is a column named context . Each setting has a time and a place where it can be changed. Some parameters can only be reset by a server reload, and so the value of context for those parameters will be a sighup . #postgresql #database #sql #linux #dba

Business Intelligence with open source software.


How to block ssh connection in fast mode, Linux OS

How to block ssh connection in fast mode, Linux OS. ghost@linuxpc# vi /etc/hosts.allow sshd : sshd : sshd : [::1]  #ssh #cybersecurity #ethicalhacker #malware #penetrationtester #penetration-testing #linuxadministrator

How to use the function in C language. Example.

How to use the function in C language.  Example.  #include <stdio.h> #define A 1050 #define B 200 int S (void); int S (void) { return(A+B) } void main() { S() ; } #c #unix #linux #programming

Analysis of DCOM for buffer overflow vulnerability.

Analysis of DCOM for buffer overflow vulnerability. mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] .. mov esi,dword ptr [ebx+0Ch] mov edi,dword ptr [ebx+8]  lea ecx,[esi+esi*2] mov eax,dword ptr [edi+ecx*4+4] call eax .. #malware #cybersecurity #ethicalhacker #virus #shellcode #overflow #Assembler

Handle the tuple in Python language. Example.

Handle the tuple in Python language.  Example.  thistuple = ("alfa", "Fiat", "Peugeot", "Renault", "Ford")  print(thistuple[2:5]) #python #programming #linux

Reporting with open source software.

Reporting with open source software. Business Intelligence on Linux. #businessintelligence #reporting #postgresql #php #html #javascript #sql

How to write 2 byte in modality FILE_MODE. C language,

How to write 2 byte in modality FILE_MODE. C language, example. #c #programming #linux #gcc #kernel #ethicalhacker

Web scraping code for extract any text by site.

Web scraping code for extract any text by site.  Penetration testing and cyber security, example in Python language.  from scrapy.selector import Selector from scrapy import Spider from wikiSpider.items import Article class ArticleSpider(Spider):  name="article"  allowed_domains = ["mydomain"]  start_urls = ["",  ""]  def parse(self, response):  item = Article()  title = response.xpath('//h1/text()')[0].extract()  print("Title is: "+title)  item['title'] = title  return item #python #linux #programming #cybersecurity #ethicalhacker #hacking #penetration-testing #penetrationtester #webscraping

How to create a file and write 2 byte.Example.

How to create a file and write 2 byte. Example. #include <stdio.h > #include <stdlib.h > int main() {  int fd;  pid_t pid;    if ((fd = creat("myfile.txt", FILE_MODE)) < 0)  err_sys("error on creat");  if (write(fd, "mm", 2) != 2)  err_sys("error on write");  exit(0) ; }  #c #unix #linux #ethicalhacker #programming

A method for obfusction data in the registry, in Assembler Language. Xor cypher.

A method for obfusction data in the registry, in Assembler Language.  Xor cypher.  global _start           section .text _start:        mov ebx, 11100000B       xor eax, ebx               syscall               #Assembler #nasm #linux #unix #ethicalhacker #cybersecurity #hacking    #penetrationtester #penetration-testing #malware #shellcode #encryption     #cryptography

How to generate a Cryptographic key, in Python language.

How to generate a Cryptographic key, in Python language.  from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_ private_key encryptedpass = b"mypass" key = load_pem_private_key(open('rsakey.pem', 'rb').read(),encryptedpass, default_backend()) # Generate CSR csr = x509.CertificateSigningRequestBuilder().subject_name(x509.Name([ x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, u"US"), x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME, u"CA"), x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.LOCALITY_NAME, u"San Francisco"), x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, u"Python Cryptography"), x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, u""), ])).add_extension( x509.SubjectAlternativeName([ x

Shellcode in C language.

Shellcode in C language. Below an example for demonstration purposes. #shellcode #ethicalhacker #cybersecurity #reverseengineering #C #Assembler #perl #penetrationtesting #penetrationtester

Postgresql. How to create user and create database,

Postgresql. How to create user and create database, establishing user created now which owner of database. #PostgreSQL #database #dba #linux #sql #backend #fullstack

Business Intelligence with open source tool.

Business Intelligence with open source tool. #BusinessIntelligence #reporting #php #html #javascript #programming

How to move data in the registry, Assembler language. Example.

How to move data in the registry, Assembler language.  Example.  global _start section .text _start: mov rax, 0xXAAAABBBB mov rbx, 0x0000ff00  mov rax, 60 mov rdi, 0 syscall    #Assembler #nasm #linux #unix #ethicalhacker #cybersecurity #hacking    #penetrationtester #penetration-testing #malware #shellcode

Bash script in Linux. How to build a script for assign user name to viariable,in welcome message.

Bash script in Linux.  How to build a script for assign user name to viariable,in welcome message.  #!/bin/bash # Assign the name to a variable. name=${1)  # Print the welcome message echo "Welcome user ${name}."  #bash_script #bash #script #linux #programming #unix #administrator

How to scanning an entire subnet for search a sever web, with tool Nmap.

How to scanning an entire subnet for search a sever web, with tool Nmap. Example. ghost@linuxpc# nmap -sS -vvv -p 80  #nmap #cybersecurity #ethicalhacker #hacking #penetration-testing #penetrationtester #malware #shellcode #linux

How to resolve a polynomial function.

How to resolve a polynomial function. Example in 3 elements.  F(x) =x^n+a_(n-1)*x^(n-1)+... +a1*x+a0 #include <stdio.h > #include <math.h > int main() {   int f, n, a[3],x;   printf("Insert 3 elements (a) :") ;   for(i =1;i<=3;i++)    {      scanf("%i", a[i]) ;    }    printf("\nInsert n elements :") ;    scanf("%i", n) ;    printf("\nInsert x variable :") ;    scanf("%i", x) ;    for(i=1;i<=3;i++)    {    f+=pow(x, n) +a[n-1]*pow(x,n-1);    n-=1;    }    f+=a[0];   printf("\nThe result of polynomial function is:%i", f) ;  return 0 ; } #c #unix #linux #ethicalhacker #math #mathematics #Physics #programming

ethical hacker consultant/ Cyber security


Python, an example for ptint char of a string.

Loop for print single char of a string, in Python language. #python #programming #linux

How to show content file txt, via Netcat tool.

How to show content file txt, via Netcat tool, on port specified. Below an example.

Business Intelligence tool with software open source.

Business Intelligence tool with software open source. I you interested, contact me: or telegram @nemesi2017 #BusinessIntelligence

Postgresql and Business Intelligence.

Postgresql and Business Intelligence. How to extract data from databse and send email with attach. #postgresql #bash #reporting #BusinessIntelligence

Malware Analyst

#malware #cybersecurity #ethicalhacker

A shellcode writed in assembler language.

A shellcode writed in assembler language. Example. global _start section .text _start xorl %eax,%eax xorl %edx,%edx movb $xb8\x0a\x00\x00\x00\xc3, %al syscall #Assembler #unix #linux #shellcode #malware #cybersecurity #ethicalhacker #virus #hacking #penetration -testing #penetrationtester

How to declare a Class Employee in C++.

How to declare a Class Employee in C++. Example. #ifndef EMPLOYEE_Sched #define EMPLOYEE_Sched #include <string> using std::string; namespace SavitchEmployees { class Employee { public: Employee( ); Employee(const string& theName, const string& theSsn); string getName( ) const; string getSurname( ) const; double getNumHealth( ) const; private: string name; string surname ; double NumHeakth; }; } #endif //EMPLOYEE_Sched #c ++ #class #programming #linux #unix

Mechanical of material. Physics. Determine the reactions of force applied to a metal bar.

Mechanical of material. Physics. Determine the reactions of force applied to a metal bar. F(x)=A+(n KiloNweton) * cos 60. A is a component of force, n is a value of resistance #physics #math #mathematical #C #programming #linux

How to exec a program by shell, into the code C language.

How to exec a program by shell, into the code C language. Below an example. #include <stdio.h > #include <stdlib.h > int main(void) { int y; y=execl("/home/ghost/myapp", "myapp", NULL) ; } #c #unix #linux #ethicalhacker #programming

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). Cryptography example.

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). Cryptography example. The irreducible polynomial P(x) = x^4 +x +1. #include <stdio.h > #include <math.h > include <mcrypt.h> int main() { char * plaintext = "mytxt"; char* IV = "nsjsjsjJdjdnJdj"; char *key = "0123456789abcdef"; int keysize = 16; /* 128 bits */ char* buffer; int buffer_len = 16; buffer = calloc(1, buffer_len); strncpy(buffer, plaintext, buffer_len); encrypt(buffer, buffer_len, IV, key, keysize); printf("Text encrypted : %c", buffer) ; return 0; } #c #unix #linux #ethicalhacker #math #mathematics #cryptography #encryption #aes

How to import data into table PostgreSQL, through download data directly from site.

How to import data into table PostgreSQL, through download data directly from site. Example. ghost@linuxpc# CREATE TABLE Earthmoving ( region text, country text, year int, hours int, fuel int ); CREATE TABLE COPY Earthmoving FROM PROGRAM ' curl '; COPY 644 #postgresql #linux #sql #ethicalhacker #dba #database #programming